and it was very good

"[...] the earth is good by the height of its mountains, the moderate elevation of its hills, and the evenness of its fields; 
and good is the farm that is pleasant and fertile; 
and good is the house that is arranged throughout in symmetrical proportions and is spacious and bright; 
and good are the animals, animate bodies; 
and good is the mild and salubrious air; 
and good is the food that is pleasant and conducive to health; 
and good is health without pains and weariness; 
and good is the countenance of man with regular features, a cheerful expression, and a glowing color; 
and good is the soul of a friend with the sweetness of concord and the fidelity of love; 
and good is the just man; 
and good are riches because they readily assist us; 
and good is the heaven with its own sun, moon, and stars; 
and good are the angels by their holy obedience;
and good is the lecture that graciously instructs and suitably admonishes the listener;
and good is the poem with its measured rhythm and the seriousness of its thoughts." 

-Augustine of Hippo, De Trinitate (On The Trinity)

Isn't it amazing that God created this world by His loving, thoughtful kindness? And that nothing in this universe was produced without purpose? And that, because we are made in His image, we can create too? 

And that He sees all of it as good

Does anybody else want to go for a hike or paint or something? 


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