About Jess


I'm Jessica- but please, just call me Jess.

I live in Vancouver by way of Montréal (my hometown), Friedrichshafen (where I met my now-husband), and New York City (my city of dreams). No matter where my feet find themselves, the city of Montréal is my home. Nary a day goes by that I don't miss its cafés and quirky murals and flower boxes and the sound of French. In fact, I was raised speaking Frenglish and am told I have a slight accent in both. Please excuse any syntax mistakes on this blog.

I am your prototypal ENFJ and Enneagram 2w3. Gathering people, meaningful conversations, scribbling intentions and doing things with care fulfill desires nestled deep in my bones. And yes- I do delight in personality typing systems.

Some of my favorite things include: 
traveling (near and far); 
words, books (preferably by candlelight); 
slow mornings;
fresh linens;
music in general (folk or classical or old jazz in specific);
good food;
the vibrancy of new cultures;
a hymn and stained glass window; 
cloistering into a living room for prayer and song; 
the well-worn pages of a Bible; 
the smell of a bergamot candle, pine trees, a handful of lavender or mom's apple pie out of the oven; 
the sight of my family gathered 'round the table; 
his hand and mine; 
meandering the European painting wing in art museums; 
a posy of flowers on the windowsill (peonies, tulips, roses, hyacinths, dahlias, ranunculus, hydrangeas-who's to say); 
autumn stoops (it's my favorite season, after all); 
white Christmas lights (Christmas in general, too); 
walls filled with picture frames; 
fresh beans roasting in new coffee shops; 
sushi (always sushi); 
all things thrifted. 

You will probably read a lot about these loves of mine around here. 

My faith in Jesus Christ and His message of grace and restoration have fueled my interest for justice, and both international and community development. This has led me to work in various contexts committed to the welfare of vulnerable people: youth organizations, an abuse prevention agency, and UN Women. I am particularly interested in the intersection of storytelling and development. I believe both words and the craft of writing are powerful tools to foster real change in the lives of people at the margins.  You will also find many reflections on the Church, the incarnate life, and such topics in this space. 

This blog, at its core, is the chronicle of a life. It's an ode to the little things and big things which remind me of who I am. It is about uncovering the holy in the everyday, seeing God's hand in the thick of it, and making a celebration out of the mundane. 

I am passionate about people and believe lives are stories being written. I would love to hear yours. 

Thank you, thank you- for taking time out of your life to learn a little bit about mine. 

À bientôt!


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