three things september

I was reading through some fun blogs the other day, and came across Stephanie's Three Things series. She posts a series of questions every month, for which you pick a top three set of answers. 

I thought I'd give it a try in September!

Three experiences I recommend
Dancing in the rain during a storm 
Living abroad 
Writing a list of 100 things you're thankful for in one sitting 

Three pieces of advice for everyone 
Say please and thank you  
Don't make decisions out of fear 
Try to live sacrificially (working on that one)

Three things I'd give up in a second
Econ classes
Long distance (not the boy though) 
Living in suburbs  

Three things that are always in my fridge
Équiterre vegetable basket   
Greek yogurt 
Sriracha sauce (which dad puts on everything)

Three things that are always in my freezer 
Frozen fruit (I'm a smoothie person)
Leftover soup 
Overripe bananas (hello banana bread)

Three things that are always in my pantry
Mom's crab apple jelly
Quaker's Harvest Cruch Granola 

Three most often used makeup products
(I know nothing about makeup, bear with me)
Smashbox #shapematters eye shadow 
Great Lash Maybelline mascara
Sephora's Love at First Sight blush

Three things I'll spend money on

Three things I won't spend money on
Iphone apps 
A car (Montreal's public transit is my second home)
Brand-new Uni textbooks (thank you for used textbook services) 

That was so fun to do! I love making lists and answering fun questions about everything and anything. A fun start to the weekend! 


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