we wait

I read an Advent reading on Romans 5 today, describing the legacy of Adam's sin. 

The text described the way sin deeply harmed creation. Running far and wide, its effect destroyed the perfect peace God had instituted in the beginning. 

All of us, and all of creation which came after the fall and the original sin, were born into this brokenness and mess of a place. 

The world since cries out for shalom. 

I read about the thousands of years that passed, and God's people trying everything to surmount the harm. Kings, prophets, sacrifices, laws. 

But, ultimately, there was a need for an entirely new creation and "a new Adam to exercise dominion over it." 

And the world waited for that new Adam to come. 
And waited. 
And waited. 

And He did come- on that starry night in a stable in Bethlehem. That little babe was God's promise, fulfilled. 

On that first Christmas night, the Messiah ushered in a new creation- and this work continues. 

Today, we continue to wait for Him to make all things new, all things right. To bring His new creation to completion. 

So we wait, and we cry out, "Come again, Lord Jesus."

And we wait. 


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