finals and little graces and life lately
I thought I would blog a bit while on a break between two paragraphs of my LAST term paper (albeit a 20 page one, making it the longest one I have had to write, and essentially the equivalent of three separate essays). Ugh.
Life lately has been good (read: crazy/exhausting/busy). Thankfully, I am getting through my workload day by day, having finished 4/5 essays and my exams. God is good!
Generally speaking, I don't do a good job of managing stress. I get crabby, distracted, self-centered, hypersensitive and am hard on those around me. I am thankful for my community (my "home team" as Shauna Niequist calls it) who encourages me, uplifts me in prayer, calls me out on my crap, forgives me, reminds me school isn't the end all be all, and is patient with me.
I am always in awe of their little graces during seasons of stress. Today, I received a package in the mail from BC (I bet you're wondering from who)- complete with a stress ball, sweets, a candle, an interior design magazine, and a card filled with encouragements. Seriously, the boy knows me well. I'm grateful.
Mom and Dad have been gracious with me this week- reminding me to get out of the house, to take deep breaths, and convincing me my papers are going to be fine, just fine.
And many of my friends have been texting me their prayers and asking how I'm holding up.
Home team. I love them.
Last weekend, I went to Ottawa to celebrate my sweet Nana's 80th birthday with my dad's family. I had initially decided to forego the family function so I could get ahead in my studying, but subsequently felt strongly I should go. I am so glad I did- I may have been more productive had I stayed in Montreal, but I was so blessed by time spent with my beloved grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins. In the past, I have often allowed my studies to claim ownership on me, and have failed to enjoy any other aspects of my life when school gets busy.
Bottom line: in ten years, I won't remember most of the essays I am writing , but you better believe I would guiltily have remembered missing my grandmother's birthday. So that's that.
To you who is reading this and also tends to lose her mind when studying (you know who you are), find ways to enjoy this season. Remember this isn't the end all be all. And make sure to surround yourself with people who remind you that.