I completed three midterms in the past couple days and want to take a break before writing my next paper... As discussed here, it is really easy for me to get wrapped into the madness of evaluation season, but I am seeking a better life rhythm. After hours of studying, I'd like to think I owe my brain and body some rest!
I haven't done a "Tout et Rien" segment in ages. Here are some gems I found on the web, for you to enjoy.
- An informative article about the "me too" campaign that has been flooding social media in the past week. What I find so concerning is that we are just getting a glimpse into the prevalence of the problem. "Most women defined their own sexual harassment and assault in this way: as something unspoken, something private, something to be ashamed of acknowledging. Silence, although understandable, has its cost."
- My October Heart, a beautiful piece by Mari Andrews. Love.
- The daily humiliations of obesity in France was both disturbing and heartbreaking to me.
- The Ikea Dictionary, revealing the meaning of thousands of product names. Who knew my bed meant "to flap", and my desk was named after a village in the west of Sweden? So fun.
Credit: Ikea |
- This article makes a case for politicizing tragedy. I wrestle with this. On one hand, the grief and suffering of no family and community facing tragedy is aided by political debates. But I do think tragedies naturally will foster a desire to challenge the status quo. "You actually can regulate evil, and the best time to do it is right after evil strikes."
- The boy and I are reading Love that Lasts together right now. Jeff and Alyssa Bethke challenge our culture's misconceptions of marriage, love, dating, sex and paint a beautiful picture of God's intentions behind these themes. I so appreciate their vulnerability and humility, and their profound desire to exalt God's name and word through this book.
- No bake pumpkin cheesecake recipe? Um, hello.
Credit: Magnolia |
- Whoa. Spiritual leadership in Christian dating, redefined. This really challenged me on my conceptions and understanding of what leadership is.
- I started This Is Us the other day on Netflix and cried at the end of the pilot. I think I'm already hooked.
Have a beautiful weekend! xox