tout et rien

I am taking a break from the endless commotion of exams and papers to write in this space a bit. Finals season is here, yet I find myself at the end of my undergraduate degree with the harrowing feeling that I am experiencing a brain drain: I'm sleep deprived, words are not coming to me easily and my attention span seemingly decreases minute by minute. But there is so much to be thankful for, and I want to end well and in praise.

One thing I hold dear to my heart when in school is to take a deep breath between paper submissions and study sessions and do something I love. So, here I am. I haven't done a tout et rien post in so long- below, find some things I wanted to share with you on this sunny April day.
  • Oh, this documentary looks just as fabulous as the singer it studies. I love books and movies which provide insight as to the personal lives of renowned figures- the glamorous and not-so-glamorous parts. 
  • I was moved by Emily P. Freeman's pastoral approach to the College Admissions Scandal here"Doing the next right thing happens one step at a time. So does doing the next wrong thing."
  • How to set up an epic charcuterie board - all that color and freshness has me dreaming of Summer. 

Credit: Almost Makes Perfect
  • The boy sent me this video, which led me to reflect a lot on why I travel and whether I get caught up in the Instagram buzz (while recognizing the video itself is a form social media!). Johnny Harris and his wife, Izzy Harris, are incredible travel videographers. 
  • Journey to the Cross is an incredible Lenten resource. 
  • Turns out the world is divided about shelving books backward- and this editor makes a case against the trend. Frankly, I agree that the idea is a little strange (and I can't imagine not having titles for all to see!) - but I do admit these libraries are quite charming.
Credit: Elle
Credit: the delightful Thisle Harvest
  • I have loved Lore Ferguson Wilbert's writing for some time now. This piece about being a second wife was an honest and gospel-centered take on divorce. "There was another wife, another human, another once best friend and I have never known her."
  • I love this cookbook and alllll the comfort food. Perhaps because I am dating a Menno? 
  • I am eyeing new loafers for my upcoming office job- and I love these ones.
Credit: Clarks
  • This song, again and again. 
  • How the Church's sexual abuse crisis is causing a crisis of faith among Catholic parents"What is an institutional crisis for the Church is a personal crisis for the faithful." My addendum: work in an abuse prevention organization for over five years has led me to realize that sexual abuse in churches is by no means just a Catholic problem- no community is immune. 
  • I devoured this light read about twenty women in Paris a couple months past. With its thoughtful biographies and beautiful photography, the book was an ode to the city's regal intellectuals and feminist philosophers, indie film industry, socially progressive protestors, robust gastronomical culture and the distinct fabric of each arrondissement. Find the English version here
Credit: Tory Burch
    Credit: Smitten Kitchen
    Credit: Kathy Kuo
    • I have yet to fully process and make up my mind about the Jussie Smollett case. This article studies the story from the point of view of race and the nobility of victimhood. "Smollett—if he really did stage the attack—would have been acting out the black-American component in this eschatological configuration, the role of victim as a form of status." Gulp. 
    • Bridgetown Church in Portland recently held a conference about God and Sexuality with Pastor Jon Tyson. Though I have not yet listened to them all, I so far have found that his teachings on discipleship and sexual formation are academically thorough, biblically-founded, nuanced and grace-filled. 
    • Nettie's Tale Swimwear, a Vancouver-based company, is body-positive, feminine and offers so many delightful models. Can you tell I have warm weather on my mind? 

    Credit: Instagram 
    I do hope you're as inspired by these links, thoughts, images as I was. 
    What are you enjoying online lately? Happy mid-April, everyone!


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